jim o'neill | austin texas

Tag: human behavior

TGOYH :: low information decision making

This was an interesting podcast from Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke from UT Austin – they are featured on a weekly podcast on KUT Austin titled Two Guys on Your Head that typically covers really interesting topics. This podcast focused on low information decision making and how people with expertise in certain fields can rely on a variety of experiences to process many variables in reaching a decision. Most of this decision making is difficult for a person to verbalize, and even more challenging to replicate programmatically.

Interesting stuff. Have a listen:


TGOYH :: the value in failure

A great piece from KUT’s Two Guys on Your Head on why failure is important in education. Our propensity for avoiding mistakes, and teaching our children that failure is not ok, leads to a lack of training in experimentation. There’s a great analogy in this bit on the use of training wheels on a child’s bike to allow for limited failure (tipping from side to side) while preventing catastrophic failure (falling over).


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